Saturday, December 15, 2007

Comets the funnest

Hey posting some more flash im working on. I want to make a little natural disaster simulator. You just click the button then click again/drag to create. If you have any ideas for Disasters please post em they dont have to be natural disasters any scary catastrophic death toll creating force is good. Gotto play with ways of killing off the crowd. Oh and thesis is getting worked on too...


David Han said...

haha! this is sweet! i expected the people to turn into limbs and blood, but i think i've just been playing too many games, heheh. saucesome stuff dude.

Eric said...

Wow- this is so cooool! 0_0 I like all the cartoon characters, and the effects of the disasters is really neat! Hmmm.... for some more disasters, maybeee.... UFO abductions.... orr... giant monster attack- laser beams!

Anonymous said...

Some natural disasters: Fire, Famine, Epidemics, Bubonic Plague, Earthquake, volcanoes, blizzards, uhhh that's all i got. Wow, I would just like to say i am not a death expert... just finished a class in natural disasters, this is totally acceptable knowledge

wtCrossing said...

haha famine and bubonic plague are great gotto get to those